A guide to health & well-being for young people

Sex & sexual health

It's not worth the risk

"If you are sexually active, it is important that you use contraception which both partners have agreed to in order to avoid pregnancy."

Most contraception is 99% reliable. You can get pregnant or get a Sexually Transmitted infection (STI) even if it is the first time you have sex so use a condom to prevent STIs. Use a LARC (long-acting reversible contraception) like an implant to prevent pregnancy.

Becoming a teenage parent can be challenging so it is a good idea to think and plan contraception, so you are prepared. It is also unpleasant and painful to have an STI.

There is a C-card scheme and you will need to register for a card which you can use to get free condoms as well as advice and help. It is a confidential service for all young people which offers condoms even if you are 15 or under and you have discussed your needs with our sexual health professionals and they agree.

What to do

"If you have had unprotected sex, emergency contraception can stop you getting pregnant as long as you take it within 120 hours."

Ask your GP, pharmacist or sexual health clinic for advice.

If you’ve had unprotected sex and your period is late, take a pregnancy test at your GP, pharmacist or sexual health clinic.

Go to your GP or sexual health clinic to find out about different types of contraception. Talk to your parent/carer about what to do. If you feel you can’t there are lots of places to get help and advice.

Under pressure

  • Don’t have sex because your boyfriend or girlfriend wants you to but you’re not sure. It’s completely up to you.

  • Remember it’s against the law to have sex if you’re under 16.

  • Don’t let your judgement be affected by drugs or alcohol. You may be drunk and agree or do something you would not normally do. Try to plan ahead and think what you would do if you get into a difficult situation. Be prepared with a condom.

Chlamydia is a real risk

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed STI.

"Most people who are infected have no symptoms, so they do not know they have it."

If left untreated, it can cause complications including infertility. Condoms can protect against chlamydia.